Tag Archives: Safety

Lab Safety!

I was introduced to the song “Lab Safety!” by Rhythm, Rhyme, Results during EDT 532.  My classmates created a music video to go along with this great song. In order to engage my students to learn about lab safety, a topic that can easily be mundane and boring to them, I played this song and put the lyrics into a Powerpoint which I showed while the song was playing. It made it easier for the students to follow along with the song’s lyrics. I purchased the song from iTunes and downloaded iTunes onto my school computer.

A possible follow up activity: the students were then given a snapshot of “What Not to Do Lab” and worked together in groups to identify what students in that lab were doing wrong as well as what they should have been doing.

Important: all of your students should demonstrate knowledge of lab safety, have signed a lab safety contract, and had their parent/guardian sign a lab safety contract before being able to participate in lab.

– Ashley Smith